There is also a built-in application uninstaller. Plug-in expandability gives unlimited possibilities of third party enhancements.

Another set of features will be useful to administrators, as well as ordinary users. Also you will able to specify the programs to run at Windows startup, analyze the shared dynamic link libraries (DLL) and more. With Reg Organizer you can customize the ‘Open with…’ context menu, delete items from the ‘Add/Remove Programs’ dialog.

Moreover it ensures access to many undocumented Windows features. Other Reg Organizer features include the ability to find and replace the Registry entries, automatic Registry cleanup, Disk Cleanup tool. The registry tool does this job quicker and better than other similar programs. With Reg Organizer you can thoroughly search the Registry to find all the keys related to a certain application. BUY NOW Reg Organizer – Personal License (Lifetime + 1 Year Free Updates) It includes Registry cleaner, which will safely compact, repair and optimize the Registry. The program helps you to preview and edit registry files (.reg) and view their content directly from Windows Explorer. The deep registry search feature lets you find all registry keys related to a specific application. Reg Organizer application designed to edit, clean and maintain registry, fix errors in the system, and improve computer performance.